Quantum Climbing Mechanics
Jim Frankenfield; snowman@csac.org; 1-877-604-0166
[Climbing and Mountain Recreation Page]
From: Steven J. Lindell
Newsgroups: rec.climbing
No, any statistical physicist should be able to explain the problem - mountaineers
and sport climbers follow different rules. Mountaineers follow Fermi-Dirac
statistics. Only one is allowed in a given energy state (or range in this
case). This accounts for the "individuality" found in mountaineers and their
desire to get as far away from other groups as possible. Particles of this
type are known as Fermions. Sport climbers on the other hand follow Bose-Einstein
statistics. Any number can be in an energy state and the more there, the
more likely that a new particle will also enter that state. This accounts
for the sport climbers slavishly following the fashion trends and to crowd
into only a few area/routes around the country ignoring nice areas just
down the road. Particles of this type are known as Bosons.
From: Struan Gray
Newsgroups: rec.climbing
I don't think anyone was surprised that the first experimental realisation
of a Bose-Einstein condensate was at CU Boulder. Sport climbers have more
of a tendency to collapse into a ground state. Notice too that phenomena
such as superconductivity and superfluidity (i.e. the tendency to go on
and on and on and on) are the exclusive preserve of bosons. - Struan (Collapsing
of donut wavefunctions a specialty)
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